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Lista de artículos

D. Bolaños Martinez, M. Bermudez Edo and J.L. Garrido Bullejos,  "Clustering pipeline for vehicle behavior in smart villages", "Information Fusion" , vol.104, -, 2024
A. Durán-López, D. Bolaños Martinez, L. Delgado-Márquez and M. Bermudez Edo,  "RouteRecoverer: A tool to create routes and recover noisy license plate number data" , -, 2024
D.B. Gungormus, F.M. García Moreno, M. Bermudez Edo, L. Sánchez Bermejo, J.L. Garrido Bullejos, M.J. Rodriguez Fortiz and J.M. Pérez Mármol,  "A semi-automatic mHealth system using wearable devices for identifying pain-related parameters in elderly individuals", "International Journal of Medical Informatics" , vol.184, 105371-, 2024
G. Guerrero-Ulloa, A. Andrango-Catota, M. Abad-Alay, M.J. Hornos Barranco and C. Rodríguez Domínguez,  "Development and assessment of an indoor air quality control IoT-based system", "Electronics" , vol.12, 608-, 2023
G. Guerrero-Ulloa, A. Méndez-García, V. Torres-Lindao, V. Zamora-Mecías, C. Rodríguez Domínguez and M.J. Hornos Barranco,  "Internet of Things (IoT)-Based Indoor Plant Care System", "Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments" , vol.15, 47-62, 2023
D. Bolaños Martinez, F.M. García Moreno, L. Delgado-Márquez, M.V. Hurtado Torres, M.L. Rodriguez Almendros, J.L. Garrido Bullejos, M.J. Rodriguez Fortiz, B.L. Delgado Marquez and M. Bermudez Edo,  "Un enfoque innovador para el aprendizaje activo y colaborativo basado en juegos de rol", "Actas de las Jornadas sobre la Ensen¿anza Universitaria de la Informa¿tica" , 335-342, 2023
C. Rodríguez Domínguez, A.B. Márquez Ruiz, J.L. Garrido Bullejos, K. Benghazi-Akhlaki, L. Gonzalez Herrera Gonzalez Herrera and A. Valenzuela Garach,  "Technical note: A mobile collaborative workspace to assist forensic experts in disaster victim identification scenarios", "Forensic Science International" , vol.344, 111601-, 2023
S. Rute Pérez, C. Rodríguez Domínguez, M. Vélez Coto, M. Pérez García and A. Caracuel Romero,  "Effectiveness of Computerized Cognitive Training by VIRTRAEL on Memory and Executive Function in Older People: A Pilot Study", "Brain Sciences" , vol.13, 684-, 2023

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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