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M.J. Rodriguez Fortiz, M.L. Rodriguez Almendros and C. Rodríguez Domínguez,  "Desarrollo de aplicaciones accesibles en la UGR", "Congreso Internacional Virtual 2021. Comunicación Inclusiva y Multilingüe: Retos educativos 2030 para el desarrollo sostenible", None-None, 2021
M.J. Rodriguez Fortiz "Digitalización para la inclusión y Sociedad inclusiva", "Son Pioneras", None-None, 2021
S. Rute Pérez, E.M. Sánchez Lara, C. Rodríguez Domínguez and A. Caracuel Romero,  "VIRTA-EL: a new free online platform for cognitive assessment and stimulation of elderly people"", "Brain Tech Project", None-None, 2020
S. Rute Pérez, E.M. Sánchez Lara, C. Rodríguez Domínguez and A. Caracuel Romero,  "VIRTRA-EL: a new free online platform for cognitive assessment and stimulation of elderly people"", "Brain Tech Project Virtual Summit", None-None, 2020
G. Guerrero-Ulloa, M.J. Hornos Barranco, C. Rodríguez Domínguez and M.M. Fernández-Coello,  "IoT-Based Smart Medicine Dispenser to Control and Supervise Medication Intake", "16th International Conference on Intelligent Environments", None-None, 2020
M.J. Hornos Barranco and J.C. Augusto ,  "9th International Workshop on the Reliability of Intelligent Environments (WoRIE 2020) - Introduction", "16th International Conference on Intelligent Environments", None-None, 2020
F.M. García Moreno, M. Bermudez Edo, M.J. Rodriguez Fortiz and J.L. Garrido Bullejos,  "A CNN-LSTM deep Learning classifier for motor imagery EEG detection using a low-invasive and low-Cost BCI headband FM Garcia-Moreno, M Bermudez-Edo, MJ Rodríguez-Fórtiz, JL Garrido 2020 16th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE), 84-91", "The 16th International Conference on Intelligent Environments", None-None, 2020
M.J. Rodriguez Fortiz "Tecnologías al servicio de la comunicación. ", "I simposio provincial de sistemas aumentativos y alternativos de comunicación", None-None, 2019

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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